Lifecycle Services Solutions
Are You Protected?
How important is the data on your operational technology network? What would happen if your DCS database setpoints, interlocks, recipes, and alarms were corrupted or lost? How about the historical data used for supply chain management or environmental reporting? For most, the loss of critical OT assets could result in significant unplanned downtime and millions of dollars in lost revenue.
The top four causes of data loss on an OT network are hardware malfunction, power failures, environmental factors (fire/flood/lightning), and human error. Hurricanes Katrina, Sally, and Harvey specifically took out vital systems across the gulf coast delaying the return to operation of many companies.
In the face of these ever-present threats, how confident are you in your backup and recovery strategies? Audits with several of our customers over the last two years have revealed that less than 60% of backups are adequate enough to recover from an event without substantial engineering intervention.
Fortunately, you don’t have to experience the aftermath of losing your OT data because Hargrove Controls & Automation provides peace of mind with our 3-year Lifecycle Services solution. We offer three customizable plans – Silver, Gold, Platinum. Each plan is tailored to your specific needs, and the turnkey solutions include everything necessary to make sure your data is secure.
Complete disaster recovery benefits include:
- Backups captured nightly
- Backups transported to secure offsite storage quarterly
- Quarterly test restoration of backups to an offline system (virtual and physical) with audit report of success and failures with remediation actions for failures
- Recovery services with return to operations as quickly as 4 hours after any hardware replacement
- Optional File recover/revisioning service
The top four causes of data loss on an OT network are hardware malfunction, power failures, environmental factors (fire/flood/lightning), and human error.
Instead of being in a position of needing to reengineer your data, Hargrove Controls & Automation offers peace of mind with its 3-year Lifecycle Services Solution.
Purchase a lifecycle service plan
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